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《最后的决战》 第一章 大锅深渊






IN the last days of Narnia,far up to the west beyond Lantern Waste and close beside the great waterfall,there lived an Ape. He was so old that no one could remember when he had first come to live in those parts,and he was the cleverest,ugliest,most wrinkled Ape you can imagine. He had a little house,built of wood and thatched with leaves,up in the fork of a great tree, and his name was Shift. There were very few Talking Beasts or Men or Dwarfs,or people of any sort,in that part of the wood, but Shift had one friend and neighbour who was a donkey called Puzzle. At least they both said they were friends,but from the way things went on you might have thought Puzzle was more like Shift’s servant than his friend. He did all the work. When they went together to the river,Shift filled the big skin bottles with water but it was Puzzle who carried them back. When they wanted anything from the towns further down the river it was Puzzle who went down with empty panniers on his back and came back with the panniers full and heavy. And all the nicest things that Puzzle brought back were eaten by Shift; for as Shift said,“You see,Puzzle,I can’t eat grass and thistles like you,so it’s only fair I should make it up in other ways.”And Puzzle always said,“Of course,Shift,of course. I see that.”Puzzle never complained,because he knew that Shift was far cleverer than himself and he thought it was very kind of Shift to be friends with him at all. And if ever Puzzle did try to argue about anything,Shift would always say,“Now,Puzzle, I understand what needs to be done better than you. You know you’re not clever,Puzzle.”And Puzzle always said,“No,Shift. It’s quite true. I’m not clever.”Then he would sigh and do whatever Shift had said.
One morning early in the year the pair of them were out walking along the shore of Caldron Pool. Caldron Pool is the big pool right under the cliffs at the western end of Narnia. The great waterfall pours down into it with a noise like everlasting thunder, and the River of Narnia flows out on the other side. The waterfall keeps the Pool always dancing and bubbling and churning round and round as if it were on the boil,and that of course is how it got its name of Caldron Pool. It is liveliest in the early spring when the waterfall is swollen with all the snow that has melted off the mountains from up beyond Narnia in the Western Wild from which the river comes. And as they looked at Caldron Pool Shift suddenly pointed with his dark,skinny finger and said,
“Look! What’s that ?”
“What’s what ?”said Puzzle.
“That yellow thing that’s just come down the waterfall. Look! There it is again,it’s floating. We must find out what it is.”
“Must we ?”said Puzzle.
“Of course we must,”said Shift.“It may be something useful. Just hop into the Pool like a good fellow and fish it out. Then we can have a proper look at it.”
“Hop into the Pool ?”said Puzzle,twitching his long ears.
“Well how are we to get it if you don’t ?”said the Ape.
“But-but,”said Puzzle,“wouldn’t it be better if you went in ? Because,you see,it’s you who wants to know what it is, and I don’t much. And you’ve got hands,you see. You’re as good as a Man or a Dwarf when it comes to catching hold of things. I’ve only got hoofs.”
“Really,Puzzle,”said Shift,“I didn’t think you’d ever say a thing like that. I didn’t think it of you,really.”
“Why,what have I said wrong ?”said the Ass,speaking in rather a humble voice,for he saw that Shift was very deeply offended.“All I meant was-”
“Wanting me to go into the water,”said the Ape.“As if you didn’t know perfectly well what weak chests Apes always have and how easily they catch cold! Very well. I will go in. I’m feeling cold enough already in this cruel wind. But I’ll go in. I shall probably die. Then you’ll be sorry.”And Shift’s voice sounded as if he was just going to burst into tears.
“Please don’t,please don’t,please don’t,”said Puzzle, half braying,and half talking.“I never meant anything of the sort,Shift,really I didn’t. You know how stupid I am and how I can’t think of more than one thing at a time. I’d forgotten about your weak chest. Of course I’ll go in. You mustn’t think of doing it yourself. Promise me you won’t,Shift.”
So Shift promised,and Puzzle went cloppety-clop on his four hoofs round the rocky edge of the Pool to find a place where he could get in. Quite apart from the cold it was no joke getting into that quivering and foaming water,and Puzzle had to stand and shiver for a whole minute before he made up his mind to do it. But then Shift called out from behind him and said:“Perhaps I’d better do it after all,Puzzle.”And when Puzzle heard that he said,“No, no. You promised. I’m in now,”and in he went.
A great mass of foam got him in the face and filled his mouth with water and blinded him. Then he went under altogether for a few seconds,and when he came up again he was in quite another part of the Pool. Then the swirl caught him and carried him round and round and faster and faster till it took him right under the waterfall itself,and the force of the water plunged him down,deep down, so that he thought he would never be able to hold his breath till he came up again. And when he had come up and when at last he got somewhere near the thing he was trying to catch,it sailed away from him till it too got under the fall and was forced down to the bottom. When it came up again it was further from him than ever. But at last,when he was almost tired to death,and bruised all over and numb with cold,he succeeded in gripping the thing with his teeth. And out he came carrying it in front of him and getting his front hoofs tangled up in it,for it was as big as a large hearthrug, and it was very heavy and cold and slimy.
He flung it down in front of Shift and stood dripping and shivering and trying to get his breath back. But the Ape never looked at him or asked him how he felt. The Ape was too busy going round and round the Thing and spreading it out and patting it and smelling it. Then a wicked gleam came into his eye and he said:
“It is a lion’s skin.”
“Ee-auh-auh-oh,is it ?”gasped Puzzle.
“Now I wonder... I wonder... I wonder,”said Shift to himself, for he was thinking very hard.
“I wonder who killed the poor lion,”said Puzzle presently.“It ought to be buried. We must have a funeral.”
“Oh,it wasn’t a Talking Lion,”said Shift.“You needn’t bother about that. There are no Talking Beasts up beyond the Falls,up in the Western Wild. This skin must have belonged to a dumb,wild lion.”
This,by the way,was true. A Hunter,a Man,had killed and skinned this lion somewhere up in the Western Wild several months before. But that doesn’t come into this story.
“All the same,Shift,”said Puzzle,“even if the skin only belonged to a dumb,wild lion,oughtn’t we to give it a decent burial ? I mean,aren’t all lions rather-well,rather solemn ? Because of you know Who. Don’t you see ?”
“Don’t you start getting ideas into your head,Puzzle,”said Shift.“Because,you know,thinking isn’t your strong point. We’ll make this skin into a fine warm winter coat for you.”
“Oh,I don’t think I’d like that,”said the Donkey.“It would look-I mean,the other Beasts might think-that is to say,I shouldn’t feel-”
“What are you talking about ?”said Shift,scratching himself the wrong way up as Apes do.
“I don’t think it would be respectful to the Great Lion,to Aslan himself,if an ass like me went about dressed up in a lion-skin,”said Puzzle.
“Now don’t stand arguing,please,”said Shift.“What does an ass like you know about things of that sort ? You know you’re no good at thinking,Puzzle,so why don’t you let me do your thinking for you ? Why don’t you treat me as I treat you ? I don’t think I can do everything. I know you’re better at some things than I am. That’s why I let you go into the Pool; I knew you’d do it better than me. But why can’t I have my turn when it comes to something I can do and you can’t ? Am I never to be allowed to do anything ? Do be fair. Turn and turn about.”
“Oh,well,of course,if you put it that way,”said Puzzle.
“I tell you what,”said Shift.“You’d better take a good brisk trot down river as far as Chippingford and see if they have any oranges or bananas.”
“But I’m so tired,Shift,”pleaded Puzzle.
“Yes,but you are very cold and wet,”said the Ape.“You want something to warm you up. A brisk trot would be just the
thing. Besides,it’s market day at Chippingford today.”And then of course Puzzle said he would go.
As soon as he was alone Shift went shambling along, sometimes on two paws and sometimes on four,till he reached his own tree. Then he swung himself up from branch to branch, chattering and grinning all the time,and went into his little house. He found needle and thread and a big pair of scissors there; for he was a clever Ape and the Dwarfs had taught him how to sew. He put the ball of thread (it was very thick stuff,more like cord than thread) into his mouth so that his cheek bulged out as if he were sucking a big bit of toffee. He held the needle between his lips and took the scissors in his left paw. Then he came down the tree and shambled across to the lion-skin. He squatted down and got to work.
He saw at once that the body of the lion-skin would be too long for Puzzle and its neck too short. So he cut a good piece out of the body and used it to make a long collar for Puzzle’s long neck. Then he cut off the head and sewed the collar in between the head and the shoulders. He put threads on both sides of the skin so that it would tie up under Puzzle’s chest and stomach. Every now and then a bird would pass overhead and Shift would stop his work,looking anxiously up. He did not want anyone to see what he was doing. But none of the birds he saw were Talking Birds,so it didn’t matter.
Late in the afternoon Puzzle came back. He was not trotting but only plodding patiently along,the way donkeys do.
“There weren’t any oranges,”he said,“and there weren’t any bananas. And I’m very tired.”He lay down.
“Come and try on your beautiful new lion-skin coat,”said Shift.
“Oh bother that old skin,”said Puzzle.“I’ll try it on in the morning. I’m too tired tonight.”
“You are unkind,Puzzle,”said Shift.“If you’re tired what do you think I am ? All day long,while you’ve been having a lovely refreshing walk down the valley,I’ve been working hard to make you a coat. My paws are so tired I can hardly hold these scissors. And you won’t say thank you-and you won’t even look at the coat-and you don’t care-and-and-”
“My dear Shift,”said Puzzle getting up at once,“I am so sorry. I’ve been horrid. Of course I’d love to try it on. And it looks simply splendid. Do try it on me at once. Please do.”
“Well,stand still then,”said the Ape. The skin was very heavy for him to lift,but in the end,with a lot of pulling and pushing and puffing and blowing,he got it on to the donkey. He tied it underneath Puzzle’s body and he tied the legs to Puzzle’s legs and the tail to Puzzle’s tail. A good deal of Puzzle’s grey nose and face could be seen through the open mouth of the lion’s head. No one who had ever seen a real lion would have been taken in for a moment. But if someone who had never seen a lion looked at Puzzle in his lion-skin he just might mistake him for a lion,if he didn’t come too close,and if the light was not too good,and if Puzzle didn’t let out a bray and didn’t make any noise with his hoofs.
“You look wonderful,wonderful,”said the Ape.“If anyone saw you now,they’d think you were Aslan,the Great Lion,
“That would be dreadful,”said Puzzle.
“No it wouldn’t,”said Shift.“Everyone would do whatever you told them.”
“But I don’t want to tell them anything.”
“But you think of the good we could do!”said Shift.“You’d have me to advise you,you know. I’d think of sensible orders for you to give. And everyone would have to obey us,even the King himself. We would set everything right in Narnia.”
“But isn’t everything right already ?”said Puzzle.
“What!”cried Shift.“Everything right ?-when there are no oranges or bananas ?”
“Well,you know,”said Puzzle,“there aren’t many people-in fact,I don’t think there’s anyone but yourself-who wants those sort of things.”
“There’s sugar too,”said Shift.
“H’m yes,”said the Ass.“It would be nice if there was more sugar.”
“Well then,that’s settled,”said the Ape.“You will pretend to be Aslan,and I’ll tell you what to say.”
“No,no,no,”said Puzzle.“Don’t say such dreadful things. It would be wrong,Shift. I maybe not very clever but I know that much. What would become of us if the real Aslan turned up ?”
“I expect he’d be very pleased,”said Shift.“Probably he sent us the lion-skin on purpose,so that we could set things to right. Anyway,he never does turn up,you know. Not nowadays.”
At that moment there came a great thunderclap right overhead and the ground trembled with a small earthquake. Both the animals lost their balance and were flung on their faces.
“There!”gasped Puzzle,as soon as he had breath to speak.“It’s a sign,a warning. I knew we were doing something dreadfully wicked. Take this wretched skin off me at once.”
“No, no,”said the Ape (whose mind worked very quickly).“It’s a sign the other way. I was just going to say that if the real Aslan,as you call him,meant us to go on with this,he would send us a thunderclap and an earth-tremor. It was just on the tip of my tongue,only the sign itself came before I could get the words out. You’ve got to do it now,Puzzle. And please don’t let us have any more arguing. You know you don’t understand these things. What could a donkey know about signs ?”

第一章 大锅深渊

在纳尼亚最后的那段日子,离西边的灯柱野林很远的地方有一条大瀑布,那里住着一头上了年纪的无尾猿,名叫诡谲。没有人知道他是何时到了这一带定居,但不可否认他是一头最聪明也最丑陋的, 且身上皱纹最多的无尾猿。他有一间建在大树枝丫上的小屋子,树叶堆成的屋顶,木头搭成的房梁。在这片林子里,有极少数的一些会说话的野兽、人和小矮人。诡谲有个驴子好朋友也是他的邻居,名叫迷惑,至少他们自己是这么认为的。但与其说他们是朋友,还不如说迷惑就是诡谲的仆人。因为所有的活儿都是迷惑干的。
去河边时,给大皮囊里灌满水的是诡谲,但把皮囊背回来的却是迷惑。去下游的市镇买东西时,背着空背篓跑到市镇,又背着满满当当的背篓回来的也是迷惑。然而,将他辛苦背回的各种美食吃掉的却是诡谲。因为诡谲说,他不能像迷惑那样吃青草和蓟,那就只好用别的东西弥补了。而迷惑却也附和着说他明白的,能理解。迷惑从不会抱怨这些,因为他承认诡谲比它聪明,还认为诡谲和他做朋友, 完全给了自己极大的面子。如果迷惑偶尔试图和诡谲争辩某一件事, 诡谲就会说:“迷惑啊,你要记住,无论什么事我一定比你清楚得多,你知道的,你很笨。”而这时,迷惑也只能乖乖地附和:“是啊是啊, 你说得对,我的确比较笨。”然后长叹一声,继续去做诡谲要他干的事儿了。
“当然啦,”诡谲说,“也许是什么有用的东西呢!很简单的, 就像鱼一样跳进水里,然后把它捞上来,那我们就可以亲眼看看了。”
“可,可是,”迷惑有点结巴了,“不是应该由你跳下去更好吗? 是你想知道那是什么啊,我又不感兴趣。而且你有手,可以像那些人类还有小矮人一样抓东西,我只有驴蹄啊!”
“别,别,千万别,”迷惑这下急了,半是嚷着,半是驴叫, “我根本没那意思,真的,诡谲,你知道我很笨,笨到在同一时间内根本无法考虑两件事儿。我忘了你的肺很虚弱,所以还是我下去吧。你千万别再想着下水了,答应我,诡谲。”
一大片泡沫冲到迷惑的脸上,他的嘴里灌满了水,眼前一片模糊, 接着他便下沉了。等他浮出水面时,他已经在深渊的另一端。漩涡粗鲁地包围住他,带着他直打转,然后冲到了那大瀑布的底下。一股强大冲击力打压着他,就在他快要憋不住气的时候,才再次冒出了水面。这回他终于靠近了那个东西,可是当他伸手去抓那东西时,那东西又漂走了,顺着水流被冲到了瀑布下方,压入了水底。待那东西再浮上来时,离迷惑更远了。虽然又累又冷,还浑身是伤,迷惑最终还是成功地用牙齿咬住了那个东西。他爬出深渊,将那东西放在眼前,用前蹄使劲托起来。这才发现那东西很大,很像那种铺在火炉前的地毯, 沉重、冰凉、湿滑。
“现在,我想……想知道……很想知道。”诡谲自言自语着, 因为他正很努力地思索着一个问题。
诡谲这句话倒是说对了。几个月前,一个猎户——一名男子, 的确在西部荒原的某个地方猎杀了这头狮子,并且剥下了他的皮。只不过这事和现在这个故事没什么关系。
“要我说……”诡谲又提议,“你还是赶快顺着这 条小河到下游的奇宾福德去,看看还有没有橘子或香蕉吧!”
“我知道,但是你现在又湿又冷,”无尾猿说,“你需要做些什么让你尽快暖和起来,跑步就刚刚好。况且今天还是奇宾福德赶集 的日子呢。”于是,迷惑理所当然地表示它愿意去了。
只剩下诡谲一个的时候,他慢慢悠悠地走了起来,时而双脚着地, 时而四肢着地,走到了他自己的那棵树下。接着,他吱吱叫着,伸长手臂从这根树枝荡到那根,一副很开心的模样。最后他终于走进了那间小木屋,找到针线和一把大剪刀。他很聪明,小矮人们曾经教过他如何缝制衣服。只见他将一团很粗的纱线塞进嘴巴里,堆满了两个腮帮子,就像喝了一大口咖啡。然后,他把针咬在上下嘴唇间,左手拿着剪刀飞快地爬下了树,蹒跚地走到那狮子皮旁边,准备干活。
诡谲很快发现,如果给一头驴子缝制外套的话,狮子皮的身体部分有点过长了,而脖子处又太短。因此,他就从身体部分剪下一大块,补到了脖子部位做成了领子,再将狮子皮脑袋的部分剪下来,补在脑袋和肩膀之间。最后他把整张狮子皮的两边都用线缝上,以此收紧驴子的腹部。这里总是有小鸟从他的头顶飞过,每当这时,他就会停下来担心地向上看,免得任何飞禽走兽看到他正在做的事情。幸好, 他看到的那些鸟儿没有一只会说人话,所以就算他们看了也没有太大的关系。
“哦,我不喜欢这个旧的狮子皮,”迷惑皱眉,“明天再穿吧, 我今天实在是累坏了。”
“你真是太不近人情了,迷惑,”诡谲又生气了,“你累,难道我就不累吗?整整一天,你是下山去游玩了一番,到处散步溜达, 而我却在这边努力地为你缝制外套。我的手脚累得连剪刀都快拿不动了,可你不但不说声谢谢,甚至连看都不肯看一眼……你根本不在乎……你,你……”

“好吧,那你就站着别动。”诡谲说道。狮子皮很重,诡谲几乎搬不动它。但他又是推又是拉的,最后总算气喘吁吁地把狮子皮套到了迷惑的身上。他先把狮子躯体上的毛皮与迷惑的身体绑到一起, 又把狮子的腿与迷惑的腿绑到一起,再把狮子的尾巴与迷惑的尾巴绑到一起。透过狮子皮大张的嘴巴,可以清楚地看见迷惑大部分的鼻子和脸孔。但凡只要见过真狮子的动物,就没有一个会上当。不过, 如果有谁从来没有见过真正的狮子,或者站得比较远,或者环境光线不足,并且迷惑既不驴叫也不用蹄子弄出声音,准会将他错认成狮子。
“这是什么话!”诡谲不高兴地嚷道,“一切都好好的吗?—— 现在可是橘子和香蕉都没有呢!”
“哦,你知道的,”迷惑好心地劝解着,“没有多少人……事实上, 我觉得除了你之外没有什么人……要吃这种东西的。”
“我觉得阿斯兰一定会很开心的,”诡谲说,“很有可能就是他故意把狮子皮托付给我们,这样我们就可以好好地安排事情了。无论如何,你记得一点,阿斯兰是从来不会出现的。在当今这个世界上, 他是不会再出现了。”
就在这时,天空中响起一声巨大的晴天霹雳,连脚下的土地都战抖着,似乎还爆发了小地震。他们两个都没站稳脚,失去了平衡, 脸部朝下摔倒在地。
“啊!”迷惑慢慢缓过来,喘着气说道,“这就是上天的征兆, 他在警告我们,让我们知道自己做的事情是有多么的可怕。赶紧把这令人讨厌的毛皮从我身上脱掉吧!”


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